
This is a written version of a video by Montu Plays. All credit goes to them.

It is a tall empire which leverages the new features from The Machine Age DLC.

As far as I know, the only other necessary DLC for this build is Humanoids and Astral Planes.


  • Species:
    • Machine
  • Origin:
    • Voidforged
  • Government:
    • Democratic
  • Ethics:
    • Egalitarian
    • Militarist
    • Spiritualist
  • Civics:
    • Parliamentary System
    • Sovereign Guardianship
  • Traits:
    • Machine (you get this by chosing the any machine portrait)
    • Zero G Optimized (you get this by chosing the Voidforged origin)
    • Adaptive Frames
    • Mass-Produced
    • Bulky
    • High bandwidth
    • Art Generator
  • Leader Trait:
    • Charismatic
  • Starting Solar System:
    • Void Dwellers (Sol)


  • Unemploy researchers in your starting habitat
  • Unemploy enforcers in your starting habitat
  • Change Diplomatic Stance to Isolationist
  • Change Subjugation War Terms to Benevolent Vassalage
  • Change First Contact Protocol to Proactive
  • Start an automatic trade to buy of 20 minerals/month
  • Build 2 Industrial districts in your starting habitat
  • Build 1 Reactor district in your starting habitat
  • Send Science Ship to survey Alpha Centauri
  • Turn on the Veneration of Saints Edict
  • Turn on the Encourage Political Thought Edict
  • Promote your Egalitarian Faction
  • If you don't have an Egalitarian leader in your council, hire one and place them there
  • Send your Military Fleet to try and make first contact ASAP with as many empires as possible
  • Build a second Science Ship to scout around and try and make first contact ASAP with as many empires as possible
  • Build a second Construction ship to build as many Minor Orbitals on your capital system

Traditions & Ascension Perks

  1. Prosperity
    1. Standard Construction Templates
    2. Everything else
    3. One Vision Ascension Perk
  2. Enmity
    1. Complete the whole tradition tree
    2. Consecrated Worlds Ascension Perk
  3. Mercantile
    1. Adaptive Economic Policies
    2. Everything else
    3. Synthetic Age Ascension Perk
  4. Virtuality
    1. Complete the whole tradition tree
    2. Whatever Ascension Perk you want
  5. Supremacy

Council Agendas

  1. Whatever you start with
  2. Expand The Council
  3. Evolving Society
  4. Give and Take


  • Build as many Temples as possible on your starting habitat
  • Build a second habitat on Alpha Centauri
  • Search for another system with the most planets possible in your vicinity in order to place your third habitat there
  • After starting your third habitat, turn on the Inner Focus Edict
  • Get Planetary Unification Technology ASAP
  • If you find an Archeological Site, complete it and get Celebration of Diversity or Proclaim Religious Revelation


  • After year 10, an election will come up. Make sure your current leader does not get re-elected
  • After completing the Emnity Tradition, change Diplomatic Stance to Antagonistic
  • Build an Autocothon Monument on your second habitat
  • Build 1 Habitation District on your second habitat
  • Upon making first contact with other empires, trade alloys for their communications
  • After trading communications with an empire, declare them your rival
    • UNLESS they are your neighbor. In that case, improve relations and try to form a non-aggression pact in order to prevent them from attacking you
  • After getting the Consecrated Worlds Ascension Perk, consecrate any habitable planets you find
    • If you don't have habitable planets, consecrate non-habitable ones
  • After meeting another empire, reform your government into an Oligarchy
    • BEFORE SWITCHING un-employ all politicians on all your habitats
    • Get the Exalted Priesthood Ethic
    • Re-employ all politicians after switching
  • Use your extra council slot you got from the Evolving Society Agenda to place an Archpriest in your Council
    • Your council should have as many Governors as possible
  • Change Resettlement policy to Allowed
    • Make sure your Egalitarian Faction stays over 80% approval after this
  • Resettle worker class pops towards your new habitats
  • If necessary, start an automatic trade to sell of 10 alloys/month
    • Slight loss in consumer goods is ok
  • After getting Adaptive Economic Policies Tradition, Change Trade Policy to Consumer Benefits
  • Build Zero-G Districts on Alpha Centauri
    • Un-employ all researchers on Alpha Centauri
  • Build as many Temples as possible on your second habitat
    • Switch it's specialization to Ecclesiastical Station
  • Build as many Temples as possible on your third habitat
    • Switch it's specialization to Ecclesiastical Station
  • If necessary, start an automatic trade to buy more minerals/month in order to build more districts
  • Employ a Governor with the Unifier Trait on your capital

Post mid-game

  • Your second habitat should focus on research, build as many Zero-G districts as possible, but don't employ any pops on research
  • Your third habitat should focus on alloys, build as many industrial districts as possible, but don't employ any pops on them
  • After getting the Synthetic Age Ascension Perk, your transformation will begin
    • Select the Real Time Approach
    • The idea is to save up unity until you adopt Virtuality and then unlock the whole tree at once
    • Embrace the virtual world when prompted to chose A New Form
  • After adopting the whole Virtuality Tradition, change Virtual Economy Focus to Research
  • After ascending, Restore Jobs on all your habitats
    • You may need to click it a couple of times
  • After the month ends, you should be getting a large amount of all resources
  • Switch your alloy habitat to be a Foundry World
  • Switch your research habitat to be a Research Station
  • Switch all your Reactor Districts in your capital into Astro-Mining Districts
  • Replace all your Temples in your capital for Research labs
  • Build Major and Minor Orbitals everywhere you can
  • As soon as you can, build an Arc-Furnace on your capital system
    • Mercury is a great place to do this


  • Build a massive fleet
  • Vassalize everyone