Stellaris virtual rush build
This is a written version of a video by Montu Plays. All credit goes to them.
It is a tall empire which leverages the new features from The Machine Age DLC.
As far as I know, the only other necessary DLC for this build is Humanoids and Astral Planes.
- Species:
- Machine
- Origin:
- Voidforged
- Government:
- Democratic
- Ethics:
- Egalitarian
- Militarist
- Spiritualist
- Civics:
- Parliamentary System
- Sovereign Guardianship
- Traits:
- Machine (you get this by chosing the any machine portrait)
- Zero G Optimized (you get this by chosing the Voidforged origin)
- Adaptive Frames
- Mass-Produced
- Bulky
- High bandwidth
- Art Generator
- Leader Trait:
- Charismatic
- Starting Solar System:
- Void Dwellers (Sol)
- Unemploy researchers in your starting habitat
- Unemploy enforcers in your starting habitat
- Change Diplomatic Stance to Isolationist
- Change Subjugation War Terms to Benevolent Vassalage
- Change First Contact Protocol to Proactive
- Start an automatic trade to buy of 20 minerals/month
- Build 2 Industrial districts in your starting habitat
- Build 1 Reactor district in your starting habitat
- Send Science Ship to survey Alpha Centauri
- Turn on the Veneration of Saints Edict
- Turn on the Encourage Political Thought Edict
- Promote your Egalitarian Faction
- If you don't have an Egalitarian leader in your council, hire one and place them there
- Send your Military Fleet to try and make first contact ASAP with as many empires as possible
- Build a second Science Ship to scout around and try and make first contact ASAP with as many empires as possible
- Build a second Construction ship to build as many Minor Orbitals on your capital system
Traditions & Ascension Perks
- Prosperity
- Standard Construction Templates
- Everything else
- One Vision Ascension Perk
- Enmity
- Complete the whole tradition tree
- Consecrated Worlds Ascension Perk
- Mercantile
- Adaptive Economic Policies
- Everything else
- Synthetic Age Ascension Perk
- Virtuality
- Complete the whole tradition tree
- Whatever Ascension Perk you want
- Supremacy
Council Agendas
- Whatever you start with
- Expand The Council
- Evolving Society
- Give and Take
- Build as many Temples as possible on your starting habitat
- Build a second habitat on Alpha Centauri
- Search for another system with the most planets possible in your vicinity in order to place your third habitat there
- After starting your third habitat, turn on the Inner Focus Edict
- Get Planetary Unification Technology ASAP
- If you find an Archeological Site, complete it and get Celebration of Diversity or Proclaim Religious Revelation
- After year 10, an election will come up. Make sure your current leader does not get re-elected
- After completing the Emnity Tradition, change Diplomatic Stance to Antagonistic
- Build an Autocothon Monument on your second habitat
- Build 1 Habitation District on your second habitat
- Upon making first contact with other empires, trade alloys for their communications
- After trading communications with an empire, declare them your rival
- UNLESS they are your neighbor. In that case, improve relations and try to form a non-aggression pact in order to prevent them from attacking you
- After getting the Consecrated Worlds Ascension Perk, consecrate any
habitable planets you find
- If you don't have habitable planets, consecrate non-habitable ones
- After meeting another empire, reform your government into an Oligarchy
- BEFORE SWITCHING un-employ all politicians on all your habitats
- Get the Exalted Priesthood Ethic
- Re-employ all politicians after switching
- Use your extra council slot you got from the Evolving Society Agenda to
place an Archpriest in your Council
- Your council should have as many Governors as possible
- Change Resettlement policy to Allowed
- Make sure your Egalitarian Faction stays over 80% approval after this
- Resettle worker class pops towards your new habitats
- If necessary, start an automatic trade to sell of 10 alloys/month
- Slight loss in consumer goods is ok
- After getting Adaptive Economic Policies Tradition, Change Trade Policy to Consumer Benefits
- Build Zero-G Districts on Alpha Centauri
- Un-employ all researchers on Alpha Centauri
- Build as many Temples as possible on your second habitat
- Switch it's specialization to Ecclesiastical Station
- Build as many Temples as possible on your third habitat
- Switch it's specialization to Ecclesiastical Station
- If necessary, start an automatic trade to buy more minerals/month in order to build more districts
- Employ a Governor with the Unifier Trait on your capital
Post mid-game
- Your second habitat should focus on research, build as many Zero-G districts as possible, but don't employ any pops on research
- Your third habitat should focus on alloys, build as many industrial districts as possible, but don't employ any pops on them
- After getting the Synthetic Age Ascension Perk, your transformation will
- Select the Real Time Approach
- The idea is to save up unity until you adopt Virtuality and then unlock the whole tree at once
- Embrace the virtual world when prompted to chose A New Form
- After adopting the whole Virtuality Tradition, change Virtual Economy Focus to Research
- After ascending, Restore Jobs on all your habitats
- You may need to click it a couple of times
- After the month ends, you should be getting a large amount of all resources
- Switch your alloy habitat to be a Foundry World
- Switch your research habitat to be a Research Station
- Switch all your Reactor Districts in your capital into Astro-Mining Districts
- Replace all your Temples in your capital for Research labs
- Build Major and Minor Orbitals everywhere you can
- As soon as you can, build an Arc-Furnace on your capital system
- Mercury is a great place to do this
- Build a massive fleet
- Vassalize everyone